
Create Your Own Background

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Create Your Own Background

You can change your background of your website with the following codes. Now please just decide. Image as background? or image as color? You should use one of the codes.

 Image as background:

<style type="text/css">
body{background-image:url(http://image-address);background-attachment: fixed}

You should edit the code just with the image-address!

 Image as color:

<style type="text/css">
body {background-color:#xxxxxx;}

#xxxxxx is HTML color value also stands for the color code. Change it with your favourite color! Please click here for learning HTML colour values.

 After editing one of the codes above, paste it to the ''Text at top of page'' area in the ''Edit Design'' page.. Lastly click ''Save'' button.( Login > Edit design > Text at top of page > Save !!)

Have Fun


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