

New Intro Page
Canerfc tarih 10/21/2009 at 8:09am (UTC)
 - Yes, you had seen my new intro page before entering the other pages! Thanks to new intro page, you are seeing CAN who is one of the canerfc.page.tl's editors.
Thank You.

- Ja, du mein neues Intro-Seite, bevor Sie die anderen Seiten zu sehen! So dank der neuen Intro-Seite, werden Sie sehen können, wer eine der canerfc.page.tl 's-Editoren.

- Evet, diğer sayfalarımıza girmeden önce yeni giriş sayfamı gördünüz. Böylece, yeni giriş sayfası sayesinde, canerfc.page.tl editörlerinden CAN'ı görmüş oluyorsunuz.

- Oui, vous aviez vu ma nouvelle page d'intro avant d'entrer dans les autres pages! Donc merci à la page d'intro de nouveaux, vous voyez CAN qui est l'un des canerfc.page.tl d 'éditeurs.

- Sì, aveva visto la mia nuova pagina di intro prima di entrare in altre pagine! Così, grazie alla pagina di intro nuove, che state vedendo CAN, che è uno dei canerfc.page.tl 's editors.

- Sí, lo había visto a mi nueva página de introducción antes de entrar en las otras páginas! Así que gracias a la nueva página de introducción, que usted está viendo la CAN que es uno de los canerfc.page.tl 's editores.

- Да, ты видел мою новую страницу интро перед входом в другие страницы! Поэтому спасибо новую страницу заставки, вы видите, CAN, который является одним из canerfc.page.tl 'S редакторы.

- Tak, widziałem moją nową stronę intro przed wejściem do innych stron! Więc dzięki nowej strony intro, widzisz CAN, który jest jednym z canerfc.page.tl 's redaktorów.

- Ano, viděl jsem nové úvodní stránka před vstupem na další stránky! Takže díky novım úvodní stránka, kterou vidíte CAN, kterı je jedním z canerfc.page.tl 's editory.
Děkuji ti.


- Canerfc

New Intro Page
Canerfc tarih 10/21/2009 at 8:02am (UTC)
 Yes, you had seen my new intro page before entering the other pages!

Thanks to new intro page, you are seeing CAN who is one of the canerfc.page.tl's editors.

Thank You.

Questions in the Guestbook Extra!
Canerfc tarih 10/21/2009 at 7:52am (UTC)
 Hello, I have been seeing some questions in the guestbook extra for a short time.

- Please just make your comments about canerfc.page.tl in the guestbook extra!
- Please do NOT write your questions in the guestbook!
- If You have problems about web editing and want to ask your questions to us, Please visit the following link:


Thank You!

New Page
Canerfc Forum Support Team tarih 10/13/2009 at 2:43pm (UTC)
I added a new page for you! You are seeing it as 'Any Help?' in the main page. By the agency og this page, you can ask your questions to us. And in a short time we will answer you in a short time. 'Any Help?' is a board section. And for asking a question to us, you should login in my boards or register. Yes. That is all now.
Thank You.

The last news from Canerfc tarih 10/13/2009 at 1:40pm (UTC)
 Hello dear community,

I am working for you. Canerfc.page.tl is about to be completed. Yes, I believe you can find many good tutorials here. OK! I will go on to update this website. Please always visit!


We are trying to create a new design..
Canerfc tarih 09/11/2009 at 12:53am (UTC)
As you see, we are trying to create a new design. So you can not see our all pages. You are seeing just edited pages. We will edit all pages in a short time..



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